Join Virginia Tech’s CASPA and APA-Virginia’s Northern Virginia section for a panel discussion and networking event!
Wednesday, November 2nd at 7pm
3rd floor former studio space, 1021 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA
Our panel discussion will feature practicing planners from both the public and private sectors specializing in housing, environmental planning, and transportation. Panelists will provide brief remarks on their current positions, how they got into the planning field, and recommendations for young planners. Presentations will be followed by plenty of opportunity for Q&A and networking! This should be a great opportunity for students to learn more about planning opportunities in the DC area and to foster connections between students and planners working in the field.
Light snacks and beverages will be served. Please RSVP to by October 27th.
Hope to see you there!
Fairfax County Audio Conferences
All audio-conferences will be viewed in Room 122 of Fairfax County Herrity Building 12055 Government Center Parkway Fairfax VA (go through front entrance of building, turn left into glass double doors of cafeteria dining area, turn immediate left. Room located off dining area), except for 2012 Planning Law Review, which will be held in Room 106 (from front building entrance turn right after passing elevator). There is no cost to attend these webinars.
To view the webinars online, you must purchase the webinars directly through APA.

RSVP to if you plan to attend.
Social Media and Ethics
November 9, 2011; 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. ET; CM |1.5
In this brave new world of media, what is ethical? Social media applications have created new ways to communicate but are seldom addressed in administrative rules. What can you say to whom, and how? Explore further how social media affects planners and planning commissioners and whether the ethical considerations are the same for both groups.
Resilient Planning Agencies
January 18, 2012; 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. ET; CM |1.5
Planning agencies are redefining economic development, assessing development tools, and projecting community trends. What are the local development trends and how can planning leverage these projects? Learn how creative agencies are meeting the challenge of the current economy, positioning the role of the agency and staff, and guiding cities to well-rounded sustainability.
Urban Agriculture and Food Systems Planning
March 14, 2012; 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. ET; CM |1.5
Food systems planning has developed as an important new area; planning now addresses everything from transportation to green markets and urban agriculture to food access. Learn how this has become a planning issue and what communities are doing to ensure safe, healthy, and appropriate food systems. Examine how the conflicts between urban dwellers and urban agriculture are resolved.
Maintaining Neighborhood Character
May 16, 2012; 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ET; CM |1.0
Many historic neighborhoods have experienced teardowns and the rebuilding of monster homes or other buildings that undermine sound planning. For historic and conservation districts this is a pressing issue. Learn how communities have developed codes, guidelines, and community visioning programs that respond to these incompatible developments. As communities grow and change, explore how historic preservation can be successfully linked to new development.
Adapting Cities to Climate Change
June 6, 2012; 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. ET; CM |1.5
Cities and smaller communities are facing more severe hazards and sea-level rise. In this program, planners explore the issues of infrastructure and land changes, as well as environmental and economic changes. How do we know what the effects of climate change will be and how do we adapt? Explore both research and planning preparation.
2012 Planning Law Review
June 27, 2012; 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. ET; CM |1.5
Keep abreast of the latest developments in case law and legislation. Whether it is the Supreme Court considering First Amendment issues or states focusing on property rights, a panel of attorneys will highlight new trends, important precedents, unsettled issues, and pending decisions. Hear an update on federal legislation and what it will mean for your community, as well as where amicus briefs were filed and why.
APA Virginia Chapter CD Loan Program Has Law and Ethics CDs For CM Credits
Get the last few credits you need for 2010-11 AICP Certification Maintenance Program reporting period by borrowing free APA Virginia Chapter CDs. One ethics CD and three different law CDs are available, including a new 2010 Planning Law CD. More information and a downloadable registration form can be found at
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